Cold War WILL END.

Vasanth Kumar Nagulakonda
2 min readApr 14, 2018


Cold War WILL END. Yes, you read it CORRECTLY! The leaders at the helm of the US and Russian Governments are not fools but intelligent enough not to destroy each other and end the world. The current war in Syria will not lead to The Third World War but put an end to wars because the Armies know One has to save Good forever and terminate Evil permanently without killing too many people. The primary target of these military personnel should be to end the atrocities against the victims of war and establish peace in Syria. Both the US & its Allies must cooperate with Russia to end the Civil War in Syria and avoid killing innocent citizens. I sincerely believe Russia must end its unconditional support to President Bashar al-Assad. Instead, it should develop a mutually beneficial agreement to stop the war. Why should Russia take the blame for the atrocities of President Bashar al-Assad on Syrians? President Bashar al-Assad and rebel Syrians must realise they will be the biggest losers like two cats fighting for a cake and allowing a monkey to do justice to them. Everyone will win the war if they can reach a Peace agreement forever. Days are gone when killing enemies in war will determine one’s victory because the happiest in the future will be considered victorious. The US was never happy after the war with Iraq. RUSSIA & THE US END THE WAR IN SYRIA.


“Holy Spirit, I confess I have been sinfully angry. I now surrender my entire life to you. Please fill me in. Take control of me. Produce in me Your fruit. Impart your self-control and give me your power to conquer my anger. Thank you for what you are going to do in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Originally published at on April 14, 2018.



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