What you give is what you get. How Karma follows one?

Once, a king ordered his three ministers to take a bag, go to the forest, and fill up the bag with fruits. The first minister thought that since the king had ordered the collection of fruits, he must collect the best fruits in the bag. The second minister thought that since the king was very busy, he may need to look more thoroughly into the bag that had been collected, so he collected whatever he could lay his hands on. Thus, his bag was filled with excellent and rotten fruits. The third minister thought that the king would see only externally how big the bag was; hence, he just filled up the bag with all dried leaves and dust. All three ministers returned to the court with their bags, having executed the order to collect the fruits. The King, without seeing what their bags contained, just ordered that now the three ministers must be sent to separate jails for three months, where they would not be provided with any food, and they were only allowed to carry the respective bags wherein they had collected the fruits. The first minister could spend three months in jail by eating his collected sweet fruits. The second one could survive for some time with the good fruits in the bag, and later he developed diseases by eating the rotten fruits he had collected. The third minister had nothing to eat and hence could not survive.
Source: http://www.bhagavatam-katha.com/funny-story-the-king-and-ministers-with-three-bags/
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Originally published at www.vasanth.co.in.